to me and introduced herself. "I think we are in the same next class. Business English?"

"I think so," I tried to smile. "I'm new here." "Yes, I heard. You've been in Germany. That's groovy! I'd love to hear more about it," Diane smiled.

"We walked together and I was conscious of my skirt swaying in time with Diane's.

"Hi Melody. Hi Amy. This is Barbie Reynolds. She's been in Germany for the past few years and she's new here," Diane introduced me to two other smiling girls.

"We agreed to meet for lunch, and I followed Diane to my second period class. Introductions in the second period went much easier because I was a lot less nervous knowing everyone accepted me as Barbie."

Apparently everything had gone much better for my once arrogant son than he imagined. Everybody accepted him as the fifteen year old girl he appeared to be and he had even made three new friends. He would have loved to date any one of them when he was Ted Lamb, but now that was impossible! As he rambled on about the events of his day, I innocently asked, "Did you meet any boys?"

"What?" he blustered.

"I wondered if any guys came on to you."

He got red in the face, before answering, "Y. . .yes, a couple boys came on to me during lunch, but I handled it all right, I guess. Todd Nero helped a lot."

Bob was home to greet us. He gave me a kiss, and Ted didn't give it a second thought. "How was your first day at school, pumpkin?" Bob asked.

Bob listened intently as Ted reviewed his day. When Ted finished, Bob seemed extremely pleased that he now had a daughter in the local school. His family was taking on an air of permanence needed for the promotion.

The next day, Ted returned to school much more relaxed. He dressed just as nicely, only he wore a different top over his blouse since that was how the other girls dressed.

A few weeks later, Ted announced that his new friend Diane had invited him to a mid-week slumber party. "How should I tell her I can't go?" he asked.

"That's wonderful, darling. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time," I smiled.

"Mom, I can't go!" he insisted.

"Why not?"

"WHAT?" Ted shouted in a high, feminine voice, while



defiantly crossing his arms under his bra and pulling his soft sweater tightly about his expanding feminine breasts. "I'm a MAN, and I can't go to a girl's slumber party! I can't, and I WON'T!"

I chuckled at his ridiculous attitude, knowing he wasn't in a position to do anything except obey. "Your father wants you to fit in as a school girl, so you will attend Diane's party tomorrow night, young lady!" I stated with authority.

Ted pleaded for me to not make him go, but his begging ceased when Bob insisted that he go. With the realization that Bob's word was law, he ran to his room and hid for the rest of the evening.

The next morning, he was sullenly quiet, but when I picked him up at school that afternoon, his attitude had changed. "Mom, please, oh please, don't make me go to Diane's tonight," he begged, placing his slender fingers on

my arm.

"I'm afraid your fate is out of my hands," I replied. "You heard your father. You are to go to the party and do your best to fit in with the other girls. Since you didn't carry anything to school to wear tonight or to school tomorrow, I picked out some cute things for you. They are in the garment bag on the back seat," I smiled while enjoying my pay back for the awful things he had said to me over the past months.

Having no choice, Ted reluctantly carried his books, garment bag, and cosmetic case to Diane's front door. Amy and Melody were already there, and I heard several loud squeals as he went inside. To his eternal embarrassment, he was picking up the actions of his girlfriends as he became more and more like them!

"Barbie, how was your first slumber party?" Bob asked at dinner the following evening.

"I. . .it w...was okay, I guess, he stammered. "Tell us about it!" I giggled.

"Yes, and don't leave out a single detail!" Bob sternly replied.

"Well, after a snack, Diane's mother herded us into the den and announced, 'All right girls, you have to do your homework before you can start partying and talking about boys.' Sure enough, later that evening, we sat on Diane's bed and talked about school and boys."

"I think Todd has the hots for you, Barbie," Amy giggled. Not wanting to give myself away, I blushed under my makeup and whispered, "He's cute."